
Martes, Setyembre 9, 2014

A Blog's Life

Dear blog/web surfer/stranger,

"Nand'yan ka na naman

Tinutukso-tukso ang aking puso
Ilang ulit na bang
Iniiwasan ka di na natuto."

Well today is just a regular day in my life. I wake up at 3 p.m. in the afternoon after I spend my graveyard shift at work. After 9 grinding working hours I went home. I ate my daily meal a hot pandesal, a pancit canton usually it's "Lucky Me", a brand of instant noodles, can be cooked for 5 minutes in a hot boiling water, rinse the noodles and finally put the special sauces on top of it then...... Tadaaaaaa!!! in just a few minutes you have a very tasty preservative breakfast. Ohh I forgot to mention eggs! Yes eggs! Fried egg in the morning you choose either a "sunny side up" or "scrambled eggs" but because it's not sunny today I decide to cook it scrambled, just like my life five weeks or four from now my life is like an egg waiting to be a mix-up, jumbled! Ask why? Our campaign is pulling out and many of us will be in a limbo, a soul floating freely in thin air waiting for a  bright light that can save us all. Well, I don't like dramas though. I am not panicking and I'm not ready yet to push the panic button. I hope, I could be my brand of noodle "Lucky Me" not only me, not you, but we, "Lucky You", "Lucky Us". 
If I could have a crystal ball like "Manang Bola" in Batibot,I can predict my own future, your future but we are here in reality where "surprises" rules the game. It can be either we go up, we go down, whose gonna struggle and whose souls take a leap of success it's all just breaks of the game. Ok! moving on, so much for the emotions! 

After this, I am gonna take a nap, gonna wake up take a very quick merienda "Skyflakes" or "Marie Biscuits" for particular and drink a cup of coffee while watching some crap-tv for a couple of minutes. After a flashy thin-bite siesta, yours truly gonna prepare a "bugong" or baon a rice packed lunch for the shift. Taking a chill for an hour in front of my desktop computer saying hi's and hello's to my i-prends in Facebook or Twitter before ironing my clothes for the night. A sweet dinner with the family is the highlight for every night before going at work, and a warm tongue-lashes from "Garci" and "Coco" two guard dogs saying goodbye and there wagging tails telling you "see you in the morning" will top it all.

Tomorrow will be another exciting day! Yay!

Jack  (:

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