
Sabado, Agosto 3, 2019

The Snuggled Years: Why Do I Love Dogs So Much?

'Photo of a stray dog at Imus Plaza at the night of Misa De Gallo'

Matthew 7:6

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. if you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces"

Philippians 3:2 

"Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh."

Exodus 22:31

"You are to be my holy people. So do not eat the meat of an animal torn by wild beasts; throw it to the dogs."

  • Dogs are scavengers
  • Dogs are unclean animals (same as pigs)
  • Dogs are ill mannered
  • Dogs should be struck with sticks
  • Dogs eat flesh and drink blood
  • Dogs dwell with prostitutes and unclean areas
  • Dogs are outdoor animals and not pets
  • Dogs are not to be given sacred things
  • Dogs are symbol of evildoers
  • Dogs represent dark magic, sexual immorality, murderers, adulterers, and liars.

sources of the verses: I Hate Dogs Channel (YouTube)

Jesus is the truth, the way and the life and I do understand that and I believe that we already live in the future but I also not saying that I don't believe these verses in the Bible. There are 27 verses in the bible stating that dogs are bad and violent during those times. 

When I read all the those 27 verses I struggled with this at first. I was floored by the thought that God could despise his own creation. NEVER! He created all things and they are good. Dogs are one of the purest forms of love in the world I have seen. The animosity toward dogs back then was just a sad result of being uneducated and hard hearted. Dogs of those days ran wild and were out of control because they did not know LOVE. Much like we are as humans without first knowing love. We know love because He loved us first. All of God's creature desire love. Much can be learned from our furry four legged friends.

I also believed that my dogs who passed away through the years of loving and caring for them will meet me in Heaven, because God knows we cherished the time we had with them.

My dog today, "Coco" was loving, absolutely loyal and helpful. he would jump for joy when he saw me as if I was coming home from work. He would do the same when he saw every people he know from the house. He had enough love for the family and friends. He is already 5 years now and afraid of the building cataract in his eyes. Praying to God that it will affect his vision. 

But, why do I really love dogs so much?

If you have a dog, chances are, you would do almost anything for them.

While the degree of dog ownership aren't all glorious. Dog owners exactly know this. Between the poops, urine flushing, fur all over your clothes, and planning your entire life around their bathroom habits - there's still a powerful and extremely tangible bond that exists between human and dog.

Its the moments of memories that sink into your heart, memory and build towards the big furry ball of satisfaction and love that you hold for your pet. these memories and moments make your dog something more than just a pet. 

But this memory of mine when I was a child make me promised myself that I will love dogs until my last breath. 

I'm an 8 year-old kid back then at San Andres Bukid Manila, we just transfer there from Quezon City. Life of a kiddo way back then was just so boring. You go home from school, play in the afternoon, watch TV and doing your home works are my life's routine. And one sunny Sunday morning my Lolo Jose would like me to go with him in Quezon City to visit one of his son, my uncle is still living in there where we left of. When we got there I spend my time playing with other kids and my nieces while I'm waiting for my Lolo to call me out and go back from our new rented house at San Andres. 

To my delight he is holding a fluffy brown puppy with a white fur in it's chest that formed like a star. He ask me to carry him as we go back home. I couldn't explain how it feels and the only thing in my mind is that I want to go home and I'm excited to announce in the house that I have my first new pet! (Without realizing that my mother could reject the puppy). When you're a kid you don't have that mental instinct. But I was right, my mother doesn't like a dog in the house. It could bite me and fleas might inhabit our furniture, our clothes, etc...Of course my Super Lolo is to the rescue as always. He talked to y mother to allow me to keep the puppy. Miracle happens and my wish was granted to pet the pup. I called him "Doggie". He was my first pet.

Years have passed, people of the house learn to accept Doggie as our loyal furry friend, our security guard in the night and our protector. During those times dogs are not peaceful to cats so whenever a cat trespass the garage it will be their last day. I'm sad to tell that my dog kills a lot of cats, some survive but some didn't. I tried to pacify between the fight but I just couldn't handle my dog. Killings were stop when my aunties put a barbwire on the edges of our gate.


Fast forward to 1998, this is the sad part of the story. 

The owner of house that we are renting needs to sell the house and we have given a length of days to prepare and look for another shelter to live or rented out. I was still in my 4th year high school that time. This is sad because the bond of our extended family will be separated. I will miss my cousins, my uncles and aunties. Lolo was already gone during that time and we really missed him on these tough days.

Prior to the date given by the owner, we moved first. My mother and my other tita already find a cheap house to rent in Paranaque somewhere in Multinational Village. They told me that we cannot bring Doggie. It was a shot from the heart when I hear this from my mother's mouth. I don't know what to do, I would like to bring my loyal friend for almost 6 years at that time. I want to keep him but I'm just a boy with no powers to moved the orders of the elders. I cried a lot but they keep explaining to me that we don't have space for my dog in the new house and the new owners doesn't want a pet either. They told me that Tita Martha will take care of her. Anyway, Doggie was a girl. How I missed my Lolo, if he is only here he would let me bring my dog to our new home whatever circumstances are. He is my effective negotiator between my mom and aunties.

So it happened, my poor dog and I were separated. I missed her every f*cking day, but since I was still studying in Manila as a graduating student from high school I have the chance to visit her every dismissal of our class and I went back to our old house to look for her if she was okay. She is still the same dog, wagging her tail joyfully while jumps at you with glee, but this time with a sound of cries of happiness seeing you again. I cried a lot when it's time to leave her and it's going dark. It will be an hour and a half from my traveling time to the new house in Paranaque. I have to leave. I have to say goodbye to my dog.

There's a week that I haven't visited her. There are home works, reports, periodical examination that I needed to review so I went home directly. I admit that I really missed her. 

One morning, my mother received a phone call, it's Tita Martha. I never thought that it was the last time I was there, was the last time that I can see Doggie. My mother told me that Doggie was dead. My dog died because of spoiled food. Maybe she was poisoned. I don't know, i do not really know what happen to her. She was a healthy old dog. She's old but I never seen her weakness or maybe my dog died because of her loneliness. Could that be possible? That is the day that I will never forget. My childhood days that left me a lot of tears and brokenness. That was the day that I promised myself that I will pet a dog again and I will never leaved them behind. I promise that you will go wherever I will go. A bond that will never break up again and only death will separate us.

And years burned down....I have 7 memories of loyal furry friends stuck in my heart and my mind that I will never ever forget.  

In memory of my dogs:

*Doggie 1 (8 years)
*Doggie 2 (5 years)
*Brownie  (5 years)
*Dugay     (1 year)
*Sassy      (5 years)
*Sachie    (4 years)
*JokJok   (4 years)
*Garci     (11 years)

Coco is my latest dog and he is already 5 years old. 

A pet symbolize a child, sibling, best friend, or long term companion. Dogs live an average of 13 years enugh time to truly enter and live in your heart. They become a part of your family and daily life. Your morning routine may not be complete without playing fetch or going on a walk withyour dog.

A pet is truly a gift that can change your life and bring you monumental happiness and gratitude. Pets teach you responsibility,patience, kindness, discipline, playfulness and most importantly, unconditional love. Even if your dogs chews your couch, scratches your doors, and manage to eat every sock you own, you still figure out a way to share your home and heart with your companion.

Dogs are like medicines too. When you're feeling down and thinking no one loves you, you always have a snuggle partner to make you feel better. That is, if you own a dog. Why? Dogs loves to snuggle, they love to put their head in your lap, and they let you know that no matter what, they love you, and always will.

And dogs really don't care if you're a five-star culinary artist, or if you can barely open a can of soup. Nope, they love you because you're you. And they pretty much eat up anything you give them.

Dogs will wait at your door when they know you're coming home. They have this sense of magic that even if you are on the other side of the street they know you when you're coming home. They dance for you with excitement when they see you.

Even if you've been so busy that you haven't had the time to give your dog the attention he deserves, he still madly waiting for you to come home. he doesn't care if you got fired, dumped, or made a really bad fashion choice that day. All he wants is you. He loves you unconditionally. And that, my friends, is the ultimate reason why you should love dogs.

One of my frustration in this world is to see a stray dogs ended up in dog pounds that is surely not a happy home to our loyal friends. I'm sad that there are responsible owners dumping their dogs on the street that even some of them get killed by the cruelty of man.

I feed stray dogs since 2013. (During my rest days from work, Christmas days, my birthday, after New Year)

The Brazen Youth - 'Burn Slowly / I Love You'

Marshmello feat Bastille - 'Happier'

I fight for dog's right. This is a rant over our barangay's dog pound.

I have convince my mother to feed these bukid stray cats everyday. Sadly only 1 returning everyday I don't know what happen to the others.

I blogged a stray dogs life and now I believe he is in a good hands of a new owner. If you want to ready Krusty's story 

I almost save a stray kitten. But the streets took to much damage on her health. I missed her sweet meows. If you want to read the whole story of Spotty how I got her

Excuse my face hehe, that is Brownie and Doggie 2. I haven't pet a dog in Paranaque. This is already in Cavite. 2001.

I call it Project Pawprints.

I prepare Adobo packs for strays. Mother cooks for it.

I also feed stray cats from our community.

My mother personally took him. After the loud cries at 4 AM in front of our gate we adapted this kitten. He is now a barako and we named him "Hansel"

I'm going back to see you again Tatay Agustin. I hope you and your stray dogs are okay despite of the rainy season.

When I am not diagnose yet with heart disease, back in 2014 I ride a bike and stroll the towns of Bacoor to Zapote and looking for hungry stray dogs as early as 4:00 AM. I missed those days and I hope I can do it again, God. May the Lord strengthen me and heal me completely.

This is Coco. Sleeping safe and sound under my feet. 

The best time to feed stray dogs is when you feel the love of sharing and caring is on the night of Misa De Gallo (Simbang Gabi)

After the mission was done. I rest, of course every body's resting place--the cemetery. I love the oval of the Angelus Garden where I can jog and run for exercise.

'Sun is shining over the cemetery'

'It's me Totoy Pulikat'

Why I'm doing all of this?
“It' s simply that I love them and when I die I want to be remembered for the life I lived."

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